Do not pay a ransom!

Together we protect ourselves against blackmail Trojans and malware

Virus scanners lose their protective effect with new threats. The remedy is a new security architecture, which we present to you in a short film.

The film „Why virus scanners are no longer safe“ shows you why current threats from malware are detected far too late by virus scanners. You can also see how uncompromisingly
new technology „Adaptive Defense“ protects your network now and in the future.

Through joint purchasing, the best conditions could be negotiated.
Below you will find the discounted member prices.

The security software must be installed on all computers and servers to get the strongest defence capability.

Reduced purchase price for members per computer
or server incl. installation support and
monitoring of incidents and updates for 3 years.

EURO 5,57 / Month*

                                                                                                               *plus VAT.

The product is self-explanatory and automatically fends off attacks.

For incidents, there is a free 24/7 hotline under the telephone number +49 2065961444.

For all other questions, we have set up a ticket system that you can contact by e-mail.
Answers will be provided within normal office hours.

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